Stati Uniti, per la maggior parte di noi luogo dove si realizzano i sogni, paese in cui si può veramente dare un cambio alla propria vita, tant’è che ormai, da decenni, sempre più persone, provenienti dal tutto il mondo, provano a varcare il confine anche solo per avere un’opportunità che magari non hanno mai avuto. […]

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The ongoing debate on a European minimum wage

Over recent years, but mostly during the economic and social crisis endangered by Covid-19, the creation of a European minimum wage has started becoming a hot topic, increasingly discussed and relevant. Indeed, according to many economists, this tool represents a useful instrument to ensure fair wages and social inclusion all over the Union. Even if […]

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Who to choose: The Politician or the Businessman?

At this moment Colombia, a country that has been ruled by the right and center-right for nearly the last two decades, is near to the date of taking the decision of whether to accept a radical change and introduce a communist ideology or whether to adopt a government from the center. At almost two weeks […]

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