Tassi privi di rischio nell’era delle banche rischiose

Al fine della valutazione di un qualsiasi progetto, finanziario e non, si rende necessario l’uso di metodi quantitativi tali da consentire all’agente valutatore di poter effettuare una scelta relativa all’investire o meno un ammontare di risorse (monetario e/o non) nel progetto. L’analisi concernente la valutazione di progetti è senz’altro complessa, questa infatti va ad utilizzare […]

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Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity. The tangled schema of underinvestment could be simplified by the wise words of H. Jackson Brown Jr (in his successful “Life’s Little Instruction Book”).  Debt overhang indeed, is a debt burden that is so large that an entity cannot take on additional debt to finance future projects […]

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The Lithium Revolution – Profiting from Supply Mismatch

Profiting with revolutions In 2017, the financial markets were shadowed by two major highlights: the cryptocurrency revolution and the Trump’s revolution. On one hand, investors were presented with the opportunity to gain quick money due to the media attention that was captivating the public’s optimism among (specially) Bitcoins. On the other hand, the more pragmatic […]

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