The Conference of Parties

 WHAT IS THE COP21? The Conference of Parties on global climate change in Paris (COP21, which will begin on November 30 until December 11) will be for sure one of the most meaningful events of this period: there are many chances that a legally binding agreement on climate change will be signed. HISTORY The COPs or […]

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ECB’s Bank Lending Survey

“Signs of a sustained turnaround in core inflation have somewhat weakened”. That is what Draghi, the ECB President, told to the European Parliament few days ago. The European Central Bank is ready to boost the recovery of the Eurozone, re-examining all possible measurements and even, if necessary, expanding the QE program. In the last BLS, the bank […]

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Dollar’s Risky Supremacy

  Money has been part of the human history for a long time, at least 000 years. But what do people use as money? Why does money need to be a trustworthy store of value, an easy medium of exchange and an efficient unit of account in order to be used? In contemporary national economies, governments and central banks are […]

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