Investment Certificates: Tailoring the Performance

Since the last financial crisis much has been said, both by the specialized and public press, on the nature of derivatives and their role in the latest global financial meltdown. Actually, their diffusion and broad usage is much older than commonly thought. The oldest known transaction, in terms of actual features similar to an option […]

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And yet it moves

The aim of this article is to explain the main idea behind the concept of volatility arbitrage by using Delta neutral portfolios composed by a combined position in a derivative instrument sensible to changes in (expected) volatility of the underlying, in our case an option contract, and in the underlying itself, in our case a […]

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Exotic Options – Lookback

These series of article aims to analyse Exotic Options and their implication in term of Greeks. Although the most of you already know the definition, a buyer of a call/put option has the right, but not the obligation, to buy/sell a security during a certain amount of time or on a specific date. Probably everyone knows the […]

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