A New start for Eni: the 2016-2019 strategic plan

On Friday 19/03, Eni S.p.A., the Italian Oil &Gas largest company by market value, announced in London its new 2016-2019 strategic plan whose main declared aim is to adjust the company business model in order to offset the impact of the dramatic plunge in oil prices. Indeed, the whole Oil & Gas industry has been suffering significantly […]

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Brexit: to be or not to be together?

Few weeks ago, after a protracted period of renegotiation of UK’ s status as European member, the Prime Minister David Cameron has announced that the country is set to have a referendum on June 23rd. He said “We are approaching one of the biggest decisions this country will face in our lifetimes: whether to remain […]

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Understanding the Forex Market

This article aims to understand the forex market better. We are going to deepen our knowledge looking at two of the most important characteristics for a professional portfolio manager: volatility and correlation.  Through this article, we aim to clarify which currency, if any, could be useful in order to increase the diversification of our portfolio. Understanding […]

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