Climate Derivatives: Innovating Risk Management for Sustainable Business Growth

In the modern economic landscape, companies constantly face a range of risks, including those related to fluctuations in commodity prices, exchange rate variations, and extreme weather events. Among the financial instruments used to manage such risks, climate derivatives are emerging as an increasingly significant component of corporate strategies. What is a Climate Derivative? Climate derivatives […]

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The Economics of Space Exploration

Traditionally, when thinking about space exploration, what comes to mind are national space agencies, astronauts in space suits and sci-fi movies. However, in recent years, with the surge of commercial space ventures such as SpaceX, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, Axiom Space and Rocket Lab, the private sector is leading the way in developing technologies for […]

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How is monetary policy transmitted in the euro-zone?

During 2022 the inflation rate has increased very rapidly in many countries. In response to this event, the ECB, inter alia, has increased the interest rate generating some protests and contrasting opinions.  The inflation rate increase has been caused by many macroeconomic and geopolitical factors: among others, the Russian-Ukraine war, the economic recovery after the […]

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The Effects of Food Inflation

Food inflation is finally decreasing, but is this change synonymous with affordable prices?In many places in the world the ever-increasing inflation is finally cooling down, nonetheless, food prices remain exorbitant. How does this affect the average consumer? Aside from the much straight-forward consequence that consumers’ purchasing power is rapidly and tangibly decreasing, it is also […]

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