USA vs CINA: la guerra dei dazi

A più di un anno di distanza dall’annuncio dei primi dazi la guerra tra Donald Trump e Xi Jinping continua a salire di livello e a spaventare i mercati. La prima mossa di Washington è stato l’annuncio nel mese di marzo 2018 dell’innalzamento del 25 per cento su circa 50 miliardi di beni di importazione […]

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Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity. The tangled schema of underinvestment could be simplified by the wise words of H. Jackson Brown Jr (in his successful “Life’s Little Instruction Book”).  Debt overhang indeed, is a debt burden that is so large that an entity cannot take on additional debt to finance future projects […]

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Germany and the Euro Manipulation

In late January Peter Navarro, the Head of Trump’s new National Trade Council, said the euro’s low valuation was giving Germany an edge over the US and its EU partners. He described the single currency as an “implicit Deutsche Mark”. We can observe, from the chart provided by Yahoo-Finance that the Euro has fallen nearly […]

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Dollar’s Risky Supremacy

  Money has been part of the human history for a long time, at least 000 years. But what do people use as money? Why does money need to be a trustworthy store of value, an easy medium of exchange and an efficient unit of account in order to be used? In contemporary national economies, governments and central banks are […]

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