Anonymity and Individualism: individuality and the consumption of mass-produced goods

A person is a web of psychological, social, and external factors that ultimately shape consumption behaviors. In modernity, each individual is faced with an array of options, information, and experiences that create their character and shape their perceptions. Amid the normalization of consumptive character, a common misconception is that consumption is detached from identity. The […]

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Obesity and Socioeconomic Status (SES)

Is obesity a consequence of bad habits, or is it an effect of social class?  The stigma around obesity is a tale as old as time. The majority tends to think that obesity is the result of bad habits or a sedentary lifestyle. Although this is partly true, overweight and obesity are also a consequence […]

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The Effects of Food Inflation

Food inflation is finally decreasing, but is this change synonymous with affordable prices?In many places in the world the ever-increasing inflation is finally cooling down, nonetheless, food prices remain exorbitant. How does this affect the average consumer? Aside from the much straight-forward consequence that consumers’ purchasing power is rapidly and tangibly decreasing, it is also […]

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