European Reflation: All that Glitters ain’ t Gold

Annual inflation in the Eurozone has surged to its highest levels since 2013. Having already hit 1.1% in December 2017, it has now jumped to 1.8% in January 2017, according to Eurostat. Despite the consumer price growth acceleration, the European Central Bank insists that the aggressive monetary stimulus must continue. Draghi’ s attention is focused on […]

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François Fillon, his economic plan and the curious case of the 35 hours workweek

Against all odds, in this year’s French presidential election the candidate for the center-right party Les Replublicien is François Fillon, former prime minister under Sarkozy. The admiration of Mr. Fillon for Margaret Thatcher isn’t a secret, and his economic program is clearly inspired by neoliberalism. One of Mr. Fillon’s main promise is to eliminate the […]

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High-Frequency Trading Slowdown

Stock markets are not anymore large venues filled with people shouting and rushing to scalp Blue Star shares. Computers stole the show back in the 90’s, as algorithms did in the 2000’s. Algorithmic trading (AT) and high-frequency trading (HFT) have come to set the rules of the trading world, and have essentially isolated human intervention […]

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Is the Italian banking future based on UniCredit?

  BACKGROUND OF ITALY’S FINANCIAL SYSTEM It is public renowned that Italian banks have significantly higher percentage of NPLs (non-performing loan is a loan that is in default or close to being in default) in comparison to other banks in Europe. The fact of having this high rate of bad credits has led some banks to the brink of default, beginning last year […]

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