Ancillary labour: The Italian problem solving

During the last two months, it seemed Italian political talk shows were refusing to go on air if they didn’t have at least a section focusing on INPS’s voucher, the instrument aimed at regulating ancillary work. Moreover, on January the 11th, the Italian Constitutional Court issued an admissibility judgement about a referendum to abolish this instrument, strengthening the […]

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Donald Trump, US Dollar and Emerging Markets

On November 8th, 2016, Donald Trump has been elected the 45th President of the United States of America. In his electoral program, the new White House tenant has promised economic stimuli to be implemented, among others, through: Fiscal program which provides a substantial tax cut (i.e. 35%) for the middle class; Public debt reduction; Deregulation […]

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Forecasting is possible

“Based on our regular economic and monetary analyses, we today conducted a comprehensive assessment of the economic and inflation outlook and our monetary policy stance.” (Mario Draghi) During the press conference of 8th December 2016, the President of the ECB (European Central Bank) Mario Draghi, together with the Vice-president Vítor Constâncio, presented a series of […]

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