The term “pre-announcement price drift” refers to the tendency of financial asset prices to undergo significant changes before the official release of important economic data or financial announcements. Examining the phenomenon of pre-announcement price drift, we observe several key findings. Firstly, there are 7 economic data points where the pre-announcement price drift consistently aligns with […]

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Fast Fashion: Exploring the Real Price behind that $19.90

Supply chains exploiting the third world countries, (un)reasonably low prices very well weighing on the shoulders of forced or under-age labor, poor products quality impacting on the whole fashion industry, and irreparably serious environmental consequences: from the well known Zara’s empire to the new alarmingly rising Shein, these are the pillars that in the last […]

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Obesity and Socioeconomic Status (SES)

Is obesity a consequence of bad habits, or is it an effect of social class?  The stigma around obesity is a tale as old as time. The majority tends to think that obesity is the result of bad habits or a sedentary lifestyle. Although this is partly true, overweight and obesity are also a consequence […]

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No hay plata: analisi delle prime misure del Governo Milei

No hay plata. Non ci sono soldi. Javier Milei, il neoeletto presidente dell’Argentina, ha dichiarato  chiaramente che il paese non ha denaro per sistemare i conti pubblici in maniera graduale ma solo  attraverso uno shock immediato e questa, a suo avviso, è empiricamente la scelta più giusta e più  efficace in casi estremi come quelli […]

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