Brent Crude Oil: Predict Futures Prices Using Monte Carlo Simulation

In the trading universe, where risk and uncertainty permeate every decision, the oil futures market emerges as a challenging playing field. This volatile and unpredictable arena, where global macroeconomic forces, geopolitical tensions, changes in energy policies, and fluctuations in supply and demand intertwine to shape price movements, requires intuition, experience, and advanced analytical tools to […]

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What are market bubbles and how are they formed?

What is a bubble? A bubble is a type of economic cycle characterized by an immediate increase in market value, notably in asset prices. This rapid inflation is followed by a rapid decline in value, sometimes known as a “crash” or “bubble burst.” A bubble is often formed by an increase in asset values caused […]

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I Memory Cash Collect: breve guida all’investimento

In seguito ai crolli e l’estrema volatilità dei mercati, quest’anno sembra presentarsi una grande incertezza sui trend futuri. Nonostante la poca correlazione mostratasi tra i mercati finanziari e l’economia reale gli investitori si muovono con molta cautela e non sembrano essere pronti ad una fase bull. Rimane una chiara evidenza che i massicci interventi da […]

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High-Frequency Trading Slowdown

Stock markets are not anymore large venues filled with people shouting and rushing to scalp Blue Star shares. Computers stole the show back in the 90’s, as algorithms did in the 2000’s. Algorithmic trading (AT) and high-frequency trading (HFT) have come to set the rules of the trading world, and have essentially isolated human intervention […]

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